This is a program that will simulate keystrokes on a Windows machine using a TI-Z80 and a SilverLink cable. Its usage is fairly straightforward.
To get to using the applicaton immediately, launch "On the Computer/Calc2Key.exe". Afterwards, connect your calculator to the SilverLink and run TERMINAL. Note that this is an assembly program, so you'll need to open the catalog ([2ND][0]) and look for "asm(" and paste that to your homescreen. It should read "asm(prgmTERMINAL". Press [ENTER] and wait for it to connect. You should now be able to control your PC from your calculator.
You can remap the keys by using map_keys.bat. The default key mappings match the default keys for WabbitEmu, so that you can control Wabbit with your calculator.
More information can be found in the included readme